Kamis, 02 April 2015

Can Comment Academics IPB, This response Susi

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti again received comments from academics. Having previously received harsh comments from oceanographers Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) expertise in maritime affairs and fisheries, now turn to an expert in oceanography Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) which highlights the fishery policy. 

"There were comments, Alan Koropitan, that we will take policyonly grant permission to PT-PT capture great. Since when? "Asked Susie behind, Jakarta, Thursday (03/04/2015). 
"We should free the vessel under 10 GT (gross tonage ) Is not licensed. They can be caught anywhere, anytime. Please. So this is a bit odd, "said Susie. 
Susi straighten, which should have a business entity is large ships. Therefore, when the next case of problems such as stopping operation or related issues crew (ABK) government can quickly asked which party should be responsible. 
"If a big ship so at least there should be cooperative. If the ship 70GT no accountability, it can not be. Yes big business must adhere to the rules. But, under 10GT free, "Susie said. 

Previous Director General (DG) of Marine and Coastal small islands (KP3K), Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), Sudirman Saad said, the CTF is preparing measures in marine and fisheries sector, post-expiration temporary suspension (moratorium) permits fishing vessels.One is the CTF will give permission to fishing only in a limited liability company (PT), and not to those who sail individually. "That can come only business of PT. Why? So that there is financial accountability, the bank can check how much credit. We can checking of the bank. There is accountability catches. If she PT is no obligation to report, "he said in a discussion in Jakarta, Tuesday (03/31/2015). (Read: Post-moratorium, which permitted fishing Only PT)

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