Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Coral reefs in kepulauan seribu

Coral reefs are one of a very important resource for the country Indonesia. Total area of the coral reefs in the country ranged from 50,000 to 100,000 km2 in area, making it one of the widest in the world (Bentley, 1998). Coral reefs of Indonesia are very diversified and holds a very important role in maintaining the balance of the environment and contribute to physical stability on the neighboring coastline surrounding it, therefore it must be protected and developed continuously for the benefit of both the current generation and future generations. In this country, the reef is also utilized for various human interests such as construction of buildings, traditional medicine and as a decoration of the Aquarium (Bentley, 1998).
The seribu islands ecosystem is built by coral reefs and coastal ecosystems became the principal of the seribu islands. According to some experts, the complexity of the seribu islands Coral Reef belongs to the young, the newly formed around 9000 years ago along the coral reefs of Belitung and Karimun Java (Park et al, 1992 in Tomascik et al 1997). Seribu islands coral reef condition is of concern, especially in the islands adjacent to the hard coral cover (5%). The largest portion of damage to coral reefs was caused by human behavior such as stockpiling of mining waste and sand and coral (Estradivari et al 2007) which can reduce the number of species and populations of organisms coral reef ecosystems (Timothy et al. 2009), However, increased a little percentage of closing hard corals and decreasing mortality index proved that coral reefs in the seribu islands are able to recover again when the pressure is reduced and even eliminated (Estradivari et al 2007). There are alternatives to reduce the dependence of the fishermen on the reef resources such as developing artificial reef (artificial reef), developed the technique of closure area, translocation of corals and transplant coral (coral transplantation) (Westmacott, 2000).
Coral transplantation has been investigated as one alternative way to maintain the sustainability of coral reefs. These methods include planting and growth of coral colonies with a fragmentation method in which the colony was taken from a certain colonies (Harriot's parent & amp; Fisk 1988). Results of the transplant coral fragments has its own advantages when compared with larvae naturally due to the larger size, have survival rates as well as high growth (Sousa 1983 Bowden-Kerby in 2003).
Coral transplantation activity in the seribu islands by Sadarun in 1997 that is grown on the net (Soedharma & amp; Subhan 2007 in Aditiyana 2011). Transplant the more encouraged when the seribu islands National Park (TNKpS) established by the Ministry of forestry SK Menhut No. 6310/Kpts-II/2002 dated July 13, 2002 (Yusri et al 2009 in Estradivari et al 2009). And since 2002, the Directorate General of forest protection and nature conservation (PHKA) require companies that conduct trade decorative corals from nature to transplant coral aquaculture/propagation/ornamental and the policies stated in the decision of the business license its trade (Timothy et al. 2009)
In 2003 the company bring together TNKpS Hall ornamental corals (private) with the fishermen that ever taking coral from the reef Rehabilitation programs in the natural and Protective function of seribu islands National Park Region independently by the community. Both sides dihimbau to cooperate with an agreement already agreed by fishermen and businessmen to manage the coral aquaculture (Rani 2007).

Formulation of the Problem

Damage to coral reef ecosystems that have already reached alarming levels causes tercetusnya one of the rehabilitation activities at the same time can bring economic benefits to the local communities of coral aquaculture. Coral aquaculture activities in the waters of subdivisions of Panggang that has been running since 2003 still requires further observation regarding the operations. Ecological and social-economic factors contributed greatly to the sustainability of these activities, because both of these components are related to each other. And that the role of the community should be noted with respect to the continuity of the activities of the coral aquaculture is very significant because it has roles that can have a direct impact to the environment.
Sustainable management and smooth running an environmentally friendly supply chain in theory will positively impact ecosystem sustainability of coral reef itself and can improve the welfare of the local community. The management pattern of cultivating coral in Kepulauan Seribu, especially in Villages, involving Baked right into fishing-fishing around. The community was given the freedom to set up and manage existing resources around them with provisions that have been made by the local government. These provisions came into force with the goal of keeping environmental sustainability can be maintained and can provide benefits that are as big as possible as long as possible for the community around it.
However, the implementation of the management in the field today are still far from a plan on paper. Many factors that affect this, ranging from natural factors that are difficult to predict until the behavior of the man himself. It is extremely difficult to arouse the public to consistently keep the resources that they have for the sake of the common good. There are still some persons who prefer personal interests. Meanwhile, the Government was still just going on a convoluted bureaucracy as well as charges that complicate the society distributes the resources they have acquired, as a result of the supply chain can not run with optimal and can be detrimental to some parties, in particular the community. Weak law enforcement and a lack of awareness of the related parties is one of the roots of the problem are very basic which can lead to poor management, What if there was a plan of sustainable management. As has been outlined above, the pattern of cultivating coral in the management of the village Bake anything remains to be researched further, such as the ability of the Government and the local community to cooperate in managing the activities of cultivation of ornamental rocks in the waters of subdivisions of panggang. Therefore I need to know what are the respective roles of the stakeholders so that it will know how to form the management of ornamental bivalve aquaculture has been running all along.
In this study also examined the reefs supply chain ranging from farmers to fishermen in the scope of national distributors. It is important to know how to researched the market demand with supply. The research will be continued to the analysis of the environmental impact of the supply chain that has been around, in hopes of teridentifikasinya the burden to be borne by the environment on aquaculture activities reef. Of course it is absolutely essential to the continuation of sustainable management.

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