Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

TSS of a water sample

TSS of a water sample is determined by pouring a carefully measured volume of water (typically one litre; but less if the particulate density is high, or as much as two or three litres for very clean water) through a pre-weighed filter of a specified pore size, then weighing the filter again after drying to remove all water. Filters for TSS measurements are typically composed of glass fibres.The gain in weight is a dry weight measure of the particulates present in the water sample expressed in units derived or calculated from the volume of water filtered (typically milligrams per litre or mg/L). Recognize that if the water contains an appreciable amount of dissolved substances (as certainly would be the case when measuring TSS in seawater), these will add to the weight of the filter as it is dried. Therefore it is necessary to "wash" the filter and sample with deionized water after filtering the sample and before drying the filter. Failure to add this step is a fairly common mistake made by inexperienced laboratory technicians working with sea water samples, and will completely invalidate the results as the weight of salts left on the filter during drying can easily exceed that of the suspended particulate matter. Although turbidity purports to measure approximately the same water quality property as TSS, the latter is more useful because it provides an actual weight of the particulate material present in the sample. In water quality monitoring situations, a series of more labor intensive TSS measurements will be paired with relatively quick and easy turbidity measurements to develop a site-specific correlation. Once satisfactorily established, the correlation can be used to estimate TSS from more frequently made turbidity measurements, saving time and effort. Because turbidity readings are somewhat dependent on particle size, shape, and color, this approach requires calculating a correlation equation for each location. Further, situations or conditions that tend to suspend larger particles through water motion (e.g., increase in a stream current or wave action) can produce higher values of TSS not necessarily accompanied by a corresponding increase in turbidity. This is because particles above a certain size (essentially anything larger than silt) are not measured by a bench turbidity meter (they settle out before the reading is taken), but contribute substantially to the TSS value.
Material and Methode
Grade Whatman 934 AH, with pore size (Particle Retention) 1.5 ìm (Standards for TSS in water analysis). Gelman type A/E, with pore size (Particle Retention) 1.0 ìm (default filter for TSS/TDS in sanitary water analysis testing procedures). E-D Scientific Specialities grade 161 (VWR brand grade 161) with a pore size (Particle Retention) 1, 1 ìm (Recommended for use in the TSS/TDS in water and wastewater testing).

a. Preparation of glass-fiber filter disk: If pre-prepared glass fiber filter disks are used,
eliminate this step. Insert disk with wrinkled side up in filtration apparatus. Apply vacuum and wash disk with three successive 20-mL portions of reagent-grade water. Continue suction to remove all traces of water, turn vacuum off, and discard washings. Remove filter from filtration apparatus and transfer to an inert aluminum weighing dish. If a Gooch crucible is used, remove crucible and filter combination. Dry in an oven at 103 to 105°C for 1 h. If volatile solids are to be measured, ignite at 550°C for 15 min in a muffle furnace. Cool in desiccator to balance temperature and weigh. Repeat cycle of drying or igniting, cooling, desiccating, and weighing until a constant weight is obtained or until weight change is less than 4% of the previous weighing or 0.5 mg, whichever is less. Store in desiccator until needed.
b.  Selection of filter and sample sizes: Choose sample volume to yield between 2.5 and 200
mg dried residue. If volume filtered fails to meet minimum yield, increase sample volume up to 1L. If complete filtration takes more than 10 min, increase filter diameter or decrease sample volume.
c.  Sample analysis: Assemble filtering apparatus and filter and begin suction. Wet filter with
a small volume of reagent-grade water to seat it. Stir sample with a magnetic stirrer at a speed toshear larger particles, if practical, to obtain a more uniform (preferably homogeneous) particle size. Centrifugal force may separate particles by size and density, resulting in poor precision when point of sample withdrawal is varied. While stirring, pipet a measured volume onto the seated glass-fiber filter. For homogeneous samples, pipet from the approximate midpoint of container but not in vortex. Choose a point both middepth and midway between wall and vortex. Wash filter with three successive 10-mL volumes of reagent-grade water, allowing complete drainage between washings, and continue suction for about 3 min after filtration is complete. Samples with high dissolved solids may require additional washings. Carefully remove filter from filtration apparatus and transfer to an aluminum weighing dish as a support. Alternatively, remove the crucible and filter combination from the crucible adapter if a Gooch crucible is used. Dry for at least 1 h at 103 to 105°C in an oven, cool in a desiccator to balance temperature, and weigh. Repeat the cycle of drying, cooling, desiccating, and weighing until a constant weight is obtained or until the weight change is less than 4% of the previous weight or 0.5 mg, whichever is less. Analyze at least 10% of all samples in duplicate. Duplicate determinations should agree within 5% of their average weight. If volatile solids are to be determined, treat the residue according to 2540E.

Result and disscussion
TSS of Palabuhan ratu beach the highest in stasiun 5 is 15.33 mg/l and the smallest in stasiun 6 is 6 mg/l. from this result show that in stasiun 5 the light intensity which enter to the water  coloum is lower than others because of higher TSS value, it can be influence and disturb the photosinthetis process by primary organism such as phythoplankton, algae, etc. Higher TSS value also can trigger sedimentation in some area. Higher TSS value expected because of run off from surrounding river input.

TSS of Pari island  the highest in stasiun 5 is 140.5 mg/l and the smallest in stasiun 6 and 8  is 64 mg/l.  And in pari island also not various . because of TSS influence DO, Plankton, and sedimentation.

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